This item is now discontinued

Yacht can be played solitaire or by any number players.

Players take turns rolling the five dice. After each roll, the player chooses which dice to keep, and which to re-roll. A player may re-roll some or all of the dice up to two times on a turn. The player must put a score or zero into the score box each turn. The game ends when all score boxes are used. The player with the highest total score wins the game.

The following combinations earn points:

Upper section:

  • Ones: The sums of all dice showing the number 1.
  • Twos: The sums of all dice showing the number 2.
  • Threes: The sum of all dice showing the number 3.
  • Fours: The sum of all dice showing the number 4.
  • Fives: The sum of all dice showing the number 5.
  • Sixes: The sum of all the dice showing the number 6.

If a player manages to score at least 63 points (three of each number) in the upper section, they are awarded a bonus of 50 points.

Lower section:

  • Three of a kind: Three dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of those three dice.
  • Four of a kind: Four dice with the same number. Score: Sum of those four dice.
  • Full house: Any set of three combined with a set of two. Score: Sum of all the dice.
  • Small straight: The combination 1,2,3,4,5. Score: 15 points (sum of all the dice)
  • Large Straight: The combination 2,3,4,5,6. Score: 20 points (sums of all the dice)
  • Yacht: All five dice with the same number. Score: 50 points.
  • Chance: Any combination of dice. Score: Sum of all the dice.