Three cups and three balls are set down in a line. One of the balls is placed on top of the centre cup and the other two cups are placed on top. The magician makes a magical gesture and the cups are lifted to reveal that a ball has penetrated the cup. Again the cups are set in a line, the centre cup covering the ball which has already penetrated. Another ball is placed on top of the centre cup and the other two cups are placed on top. The cups are lifted to show the second ball has penetrated. This is repeated with the third ball and finally all three balls are shown to have penetrated the cup.
- The trick consistes of 3 cups and 4 balls (however the audience only see 3 balls.
- Before performing the trick secretly place one of the balls in the middle cup and stack the cups together.
- Show 3 balls on the table and hold the stacked cups in your hand.
- Take out the bottom cup and place it face down on the table. Take the middle cup (with the ball inside) and place it face down alongside the second cup. If you do this in a natural motion the ball will not fall out. Then place the third cup face down alongside the other 2 cups.

3. Next place one of the balls on top of the centre cup and stack the other 2 cups on top.
4. Wave your hand or magic wand and say the magic words.
5. Lift the 3 stacked cups together to show the ball has ‘penetrated’ the cup.

6. The hidden ball is now in the yellow cup (in the picture above). Place the yellow cup on top of the ball on the table. Place another ball on top of the yellow cup and once again stack the other two cups pn top. Lift the three cups together to show the second ball has ‘penetrated’ the cup…

7. The hidden ball is now in the blue cup (in the picture). Repeat the process, this time placing the blue cup on top of the two balls on the table. Place the third ball on top of the blue cup and once again stack the other two cups on top. Lift the three cups together to show the thirs ball has ‘penetrated’ the cup.